Why Won’t My Baby Take a Bottle?

It can be really frustrating when your baby refuses to take a bottle, especially if you're trying to introduce formula or get some time away. There are several reasons why babies might resist a bottle, and it can often take some trial and error to figure out what’s going on. Here are a few common causes and tips to help:

1. Preference for Breastfeeding

If you're breastfeeding, your baby may prefer the comfort and closeness of nursing over the bottle. Thats ok! It may be that they have become attached to a specific flow or feel of the breast. A bottle can feel different in their mouth, and they might resist the change.


There’s a few things that you can try to help soothe a baby who is used to the breast. First, try introducing the bottle after a good nursing session. Allow baby to “play” with the bottle and get used to the feel of it before it’s a desperate situation. We don’t want baby to be overly hungry or fussy during the first few tries with a bottle. We also suggest allowing someone else to offer the bottle so that baby doesnt associate the bottle with you. Our professionals are pros at helping baby get used to the bottle with time and patience! You can also try different nipples to see which one baby likes best. Try each nipple for a good amount of time before moving on. We also suggest always using a paced feeding technique with bottle feeding to mimic breastfeeding.

2. Nipple Confusion

Some babies experience nipple confusion when switching between breast and bottle, especially if the bottle's nipple is too fast or too slow for their liking. They might feel like they are getting too much or not enough milk depending on the nipple size and flow.


Try different types of nipples with a slower flow rate to mimic breastfeeding as well as a paced feeding technique. You can also try using a bottle with a wide neck, which can be closer in shape to the breast. Experiment with various bottle brands, as some babies have preferences but don’t get carried away. Most babies just need time and patience to figure out their new feeding option!

3. Teething or Soreness

If your baby is teething or has any mouth discomfort, it could make sucking from a bottle uncomfortable. Teething can be so painful for some babies and if they aren’t used to the bottle already, they may need extra time to get used to the bottle.


If you think teething might be the issue, offer the bottle at different times of day or try a teething toy before the bottle. You can also try giving baby a frozen teething toy to help soothe those areas before the feed.

4. Hunger Cues

Sometimes babies just aren’t very hungry at the moment you offer the bottle and will refuse it. Other times baby is overly hungry and we’ve missed their cues. Either way, its important to pay special attention to babies cues so that we aren’t trying to force a bottle prematurely or too late.


Offer the bottle when your baby shows early hunger cues, not when they’re already upset or too hungry. You can try offering the bottle before they get too fussy or overtired. If you’ve missed the window, don’t worry too much. Just help soothe the baby as best you can and try again next time. Babies are very forgiving!

Here’s the thing:

Consistency is key. Try offering the bottle at the same time each day so your baby gets used to it. Give your baby plenty of time to get used to the bottle before heading out without baby in tow. Don’t give up too quickly. Babies often need time to adjust so don’t get discouraged if it takes a few attempts. Let your baby explore the bottle with just one oz of milk in it each day and over time it will become a familiar item for them.If your baby consistently refuses the bottle or seems to have difficulty feeding, it might be worth talking to a pediatrician or a lactation consultant to rule out any underlying issues.

Good luck & have fun!


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